Posts Tagged ‘DC


DC, I Love You: June 17-23, 2010

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To celebrate my graduation, and perhaps to escape Florida’s humidity, my mum and I traveled together to Washington, DC. It was my first visit to our nation’s capitol, and in a way I was glad that I hadn’t visited sooner. I feel as though being just a decade older made all the difference in my appreciation of the U. S. legacy and our roles and responsibilities in global society. Sharing the sidewalk with Congresswomen and men, overhearing interns schedule exclusive events by phone, and even dining with noteworthy journalists at the National Press Club’s top-floor restaurant, The Reliable Source, at once invigorated and humbled me.

One of my favorite aspects of the trip (other than the Newseum, because that’s a given) was trying Ethiopian food for the first time. Some claim that Zed’s in Georgetown was the first authentic Ethiopian restaurant to open in the area, and I imagine its success might help explain the multitude of other, newer Ethiopian places in the neighborhood. It was purely luck that we found it. Each plate is served with several rolls of spongy sourdough-like bread. My barely spicy chicken dish resembled curry and, after I realized that no utensils would be offered, our forgiving server offered us a crash course in finger food dining. It. Was. Phenomenal.